Dry Eye FAQ

Residents in and around Scottsdale count on Eyes on Hayden for expert eye care. We can provide routine eye health management, prescription lenses, and a list of conditions we can diagnose and treat using the highest standards. One of the common conditions we run into is dry eye. We have gathered some of the frequently asked questions that we run into regarding dry eye.


Q: How does dry eye syndrome develop?

A: As its name suggests, dry eye occurs when your eyes do not maintain the right balance of moisture from your tears. This can happen when we do not naturally produce enough tears, or when the tears form with an off-balance chemical composition.

Tears need watery components and oily thicker components as well. Tears need to flow smoothly across the eye to create a layer of lubrication. They also need enough substance so they stay adhered to the eye and remain there long enough without evaporating. An uneven chemical makeup can trigger your tears to evaporate too quickly, leading to dry eye.

The body may also have trouble making enough tears in the first place due to conditions like diabetes, rosacea, lupus, thyroid disorders, and others. The lacrimal glands, where tears are formed, sometimes develop problems and do not produce enough tears. Certain medications can also dry and inhibit tear production, or a lack of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A may cause decreased eye lubrication.

Q: Is dry eye syndrome rare?

A: Dry eye is a very common condition. Millions of Americans experience dry eye, and according to recent reports up to 40% of adults are seeing symptoms of dry eye.

Q: What do tears do for our eyes?

A: Throughout the day our eyes continually produce tears via the lacrimal glands. Our natural inclination to blink helps spread the tears across the surface of our eyes. This creates a layer of supple liquid moisture that keeps harmful dirt and substances out and maintains a healthy eye texture.

Q: What do dry eye symptoms look like?

A: Dry eye sufferers notice a scratchy or burning feeling in their eyes and may likely see redness too. Your eyes might feel strained, react with more sensitivity to bright light, and itch. Your vision can also appear blurred.

Get Dry Eye Treatment in Scottsdale, AZ

For eye health issues and routine vision check-ups, make an appointment at Eyes on Hayden today by calling us at (480) 900-2020.

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  • I have worn contact lenses for years but due to my strong near-sighted prescription with high astigmatism could get neither the comfort nor vision very good in standard gas permeable lenses or in soft lenses. I had reverted back to wearing glasses most of the time until Dr. Krywko recommended the SynergEyes lenses. They work great for me and I can finally wear contacts again! Thank you, Dr. Krywko!

    Show More - Anna Garity
  • Dr. Candria Kryko is a wonderful OD. I was seen by Dr. Kryko in Scottsdale recently for an eye exam/contact lens fitting. She is extremely pleasant, attentive, and she took her time to give me a thorough exam and answer all of my questions. Dr. Kryko gave me recommendations on contacts and eye drops, as well, she gave me tips on how I can save on some of my contact expenses. She was professional, attentive, took the time to explain what was needed, and was simply nice to be around. I recommend Dr. Kryko. 

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  • My entire family have been seeing Dr. Krywko for years. The professionalism, care and focus are over the top. I was told by an optician I would not be a likely candidate for contact lenses. However with Dr. Krywko's patience and wisdom she was able to fit me for contact lenses that work perfectly! I am thrilled..........Plus, I also have the most gorgeous frames (when I do not want to wear my contacts. ) I receive comments every time I wear them, " where did you get your glasses!" Dr. Kryko just received the newest styles......I'm in trouble..........

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