March Newsletter: Daily vs. Monthly Contacts: Choosing the Right Lenses for You

Blonde girl puts in her contacts.

Daily or Monthly Contact Lenses: Which Is Right for You?

Are your current contact lenses the best option for you? Comfort, convenience, and fit can vary from person to person and may be affected by many factors. If you've been reconsidering your contact lens options, this daily vs. monthly contact lens comparison can help you make your decision.

Daily Contact Lenses Pros and Cons

Daily disposable contacts make wearing contacts easy. You simply insert a pair of contacts in the morning and throw them away before you go to bed.

Daily Contact Lens Pros

Benefits of wearing daily contact lenses include:

  • Thin Lenses. Daily contact lenses are much thinner than monthly contact lenses, which may make them feel more comfortable.
  • No Cleaning. If you hate cleaning your lenses every night, daily disposable lenses may be the ideal choice for you. Since you discard them every day, there's no need to clean them.
  • Many Prescription Options. Daily wear lenses can be a good option if you have myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism.
  • Convenience. If your lens tears or just doesn't feel comfortable, you'll simply take it out and replace it with a new lens. When you have a six- or 12-month supply of daily lenses available, there's no concern about wasting a single lens.

Daily Contact Lens Cons

  • Lipid and Protein Buildup. Protein and lipid deposits tend to build up faster on thin disposable lenses. This usually isn't a problem since you throw the lenses out every evening, but it may affect comfort for some people.
  • Can't Reuse Lens. Reinserting your lenses after removing them could increase your risk for an eye infection. In a research study published in Optometry & Vision Science, daily disposable lens wearers were asked to put their lenses back in the saline blister packs. The next day, 95% of the participants had at least one contaminated lens.
  • Cost. Daily disposable lenses can be two to three times more expensive than extended-wear lenses, according to Time.

Monthly Contact Lenses Pros and Cons

Monthly contact lenses are worn every day for 30 days before being thrown out. This type of lens must be cleaned every evening.

Monthly Contact Lens Pros

Advantages of monthly contact lenses include:

  • Thicker Lenses. Thinner lenses tear more easily and can be a little more difficult to insert. Thicker lenses are more durable, make insertion easier, and are less likely to tear when handling.
  • More Prescription Choices. Although daily disposable lenses can be a good choice, they're best for correcting mild to moderate refractive errors, like myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. If you have a complicated prescription, monthly contact lenses may offer a better option.
  • Cost. Depending on the type, monthly contact lenses may cost much less than daily disposable lenses. If you're looking for a more budget-friendly option, monthly lenses are a good choice.

Monthly Contact Cons

  • Comfort. Some people find thicker lenses less comfortable than thin lenses. Although proteins and lipids don't build up as quickly on monthly lenses, lens buildup can interfere with comfort near the end of the month.
  • Cleaning Schedule. Monthly lenses must be carefully cleaned and stored each night to remove proteins, lipids, and bacteria. If you don't follow the cleaning schedule recommended by your eye doctor, you may be more likely to develop an infection, like keratitis. Keratitis can cause pain, redness, and blurry vision and could damage your vision if it's not treated promptly.
  • Less Convenient. You'll need to make sure you have an ample supply of contact lens cases and cleaning and storage solutions when you wear monthly contact lenses. Lens cases should also be replaced every three months, according to the American Optometric Association.

Whether you're due for a new contact lens prescription or you want to try contacts for the first time, we can help you choose the perfect lens type. Contact our office to schedule an appointment with the optometrist.


Optometry & Vision Science: Contamination Risk of Reusing Daily Disposable Contact Lenses, 12/2011

American Optometric Association: Contact Lens Care

All About Vision: Daily vs. Monthly Contacts: Which Are Better for You?, 1/10/2020

Time: You Asked: What Type of Contact Lenses Should I Wear? 7/6/2017

WebMD: How to Find the Right Contact Lenses, 3/8/2023

CNET: 6 Tips to Choose the Best Contact Lenses for Your Needs, 5/30/2023

American Academy of Ophthalmology: Contact Lenses for Vision Correction, 5/3/2023

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  • I have worn contact lenses for years but due to my strong near-sighted prescription with high astigmatism could get neither the comfort nor vision very good in standard gas permeable lenses or in soft lenses. I had reverted back to wearing glasses most of the time until Dr. Krywko recommended the SynergEyes lenses. They work great for me and I can finally wear contacts again! Thank you, Dr. Krywko!

    Show More - Anna Garity
  • Dr. Candria Kryko is a wonderful OD. I was seen by Dr. Kryko in Scottsdale recently for an eye exam/contact lens fitting. She is extremely pleasant, attentive, and she took her time to give me a thorough exam and answer all of my questions. Dr. Kryko gave me recommendations on contacts and eye drops, as well, she gave me tips on how I can save on some of my contact expenses. She was professional, attentive, took the time to explain what was needed, and was simply nice to be around. I recommend Dr. Kryko. 

    Show More - Chelsey Kerchansky
  • My entire family have been seeing Dr. Krywko for years. The professionalism, care and focus are over the top. I was told by an optician I would not be a likely candidate for contact lenses. However with Dr. Krywko's patience and wisdom she was able to fit me for contact lenses that work perfectly! I am thrilled..........Plus, I also have the most gorgeous frames (when I do not want to wear my contacts. ) I receive comments every time I wear them, " where did you get your glasses!" Dr. Kryko just received the newest styles......I'm in trouble..........

    Show More - Trish Nielsen

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